
Dual Language 

T.A. Brown participates in a one way dual language program. "Austin ISD Dual Language students will develop a high academic and linguistic proficiency in two languages by participating in a rigorous academic program that enhances the development of bilingualism, biculturalism, and biliteracy so that students will graduate ready for college, career, and life in a globally competitive economy."

Gifted and Talented

Nominations are accepted twice a year to identify students for Gifted and Talented. Once identified, students have the opportunity for enrichment both in the classroom and outside of school.

Legacy of Giving

T.A. Brown also is participating with Legacy of Giving to empower our students through philanthropy education and youth philanthropy programs to become more engaged in improving their communities. Our fifth graders will receive TEKS based lessons on civic engagement and lead two service learning events at our campus involving the entire student body. 

Neighborhood Longhorns

Students in 2nd -5th grade have the opportunity to be a part of Neighborhood Longhorns. NLP inspires AISD students to do their best and offers them opportunities to experience the university firsthand. Students have a chance to visit the campus with events such as UT Women's Volleyball games, UT Men and Women Basketball games, and Spring Jam. The program also offers one-on-one tutoring provided by UT students. 

National Elementary Honor Society

Fourth and fifth grade students who maintain an A and B average qualify to be part of National Elementary Honor Society. This group serves as a leadership team on our campus and plans and organizes events.

No Place for Hate

No Place For Hate is an anti-bullying, anti-bias awareness program that helps create and sustain an inclusive school environment where all students feel valued and accepted. To become a No Place For Hate campus, students and staff sign a Resolution of Respect promising to treat others fairly, be kind to everyone despite differences, and help when they see someone being treated badly. Campuses then plan and participate in three events focusing on diversity, anti-bias, and how to respond appropriately to bullying or teasing.

T.A. Brown Elementary is proud to announce that for the fourth consecutive year we have received the designation of being a No Place For Hate campus. We will participate again this year and are in the process of planning our three events. If you are interested in helping please contact Stephanie Reyna at 512-414-4286.

Safety Patrol

A select number of fifth graders are chosen to help maintain order and safety around campus in the mornings. Safety Patrol students greet car riders, help at breakfast and in the hallway, and pass out books for students to read while they wait for the day to begin. 

Special Education & Resource

The mission for Special Education "in partnership with parents and the community, AISD exists to provide a comprehensive experience that is high quality, challenging, and inspires all students to make a positive contribution to society." T.A. Brown provides two types of services for our students Early Childhood Special Education and Resource. ECSE is special education services provided to children ages 3 to 5. Resource is special education services provided to elementary age students in Grade 1 - 5.