Volunteer Opportunities

Parents are welcome to come to portable 1-A to volunteer between the hours of 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. 

How can you get involved?

  • Attend parent meetings, trainings, workshops and conferences.
  • Be part of a committee at T.A. Brown such as Campus Advisory Council, Parent Teacher Association, and Community Alliance etc. 
  • Things to do: assist with communication folders (gather folders, make copies, gather materials to include in communication folder), make copies for teachers, cut materials needed for the classrooms, help make and create reading materials for teachers, help teachers put up bulletin boards, help in the library, cafeteria and special events, sharpen pencils, make popcorn for student incentives and much more.
  • Help the PTA, join PTA, assist with fundraisers, be the voice for our students, parents and community.


For more information please contact our Parent Support Specialist:

Linda G.Tristan-Perez
Portable 1-A