All visitors are required to go through the office and have their ID checked through our Nagivate360 visitor system.
Parent Lunch Schedule
Due to limited space in the cafeteria, this year we have split up the times of when parents can eat with their child. Please note we are space limited and all visitors must go through the front office for a visitor pass. Please look at the following schedule to know when you come eat with your child.
Mondays- PK & Kinder
Tuesdays- 1st & 2nd
Wednesdays- 3rd & 4th
Thursdays- 5th
Doors open at 7:15am. Students are marked late when they arrive after 7:40AM.
Students must be on time to eat breakfast and receive instructional time.
If students are absent please be sure to provide either a doctors note or handwritten note with the student name, student's teacher, date of absence, reason, & parent signature. Provide these to our attendance specialist in the office.
If you need to communicate with your child's teachers please do so before or after school through Class Dojo. Phone calls cannot be transferred to the classroom through out the day since, instructional time is happening. The front office may also take a message that will be delivered to the teachers to give a call back.
Nutritional Lunch
Students are allowed to bring their lunches from home if they wish. Please be sure that it is a nutritional lunch and avoids SLOW & WOAH foods.
Early Pick Up/Change of Pick Up
Parent/Guardians must provide a valid ID AND be on the pick up list in order to take the student out early. Early release must happen before 2:30. If your child will have a change of pick up, please contact the school as soon as possible. Communication after 2:30 is very difficult since teachers will get ready for dismissal.